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Two Regal Additions to the Hermitage Family

Two Regal Additions to the Hermitage Family

We are delighted to announce that we have recently been entertaining some new, and very rare, guests at The Hermitage. These are two baby peacocks, a little over two months old, the plucky survivors of a clutch of five eggs that were discovered near the Yoga platform by our gardeners while cutting the grass. (A local astrologer has suggested they may be reincarnated yogis!) The mother abandoned them, but our staff took over and they were carefully placed in a safe box with the right amount of light and temperature. Feeding them was quite a problem at first, but the determination, perseverance, and love of their surrogate parents - pool boy Sudhakaran and gardener Suvaran – did the needful for the new-borns.

Happily, the growing chicks now seem very much at home, and although we have peacocks visiting us from nearby forested land, the Hermitage duo do not join them, preferring to spend their time with our staff.

The peacock is of course, extremely auspicious, being the national bird of India, the mount of Saraswati, the goddess of culture, and the symbol of Lord Krishna, the god of love. All in all, we feel we have been blessed by this addition to our family at the start of the New Year!

by Alistair Shearer

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