For the rest of your life

Contact Neeleshwar

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Please send your inquiry to: 




Reservations number

+91 9513446673, +91 99100 25022,


Neeleshwar Hermitage, P.O. Ozhinhavalappu, Via. Nileshwar, Dist Kasaragod. Kerala. PIN 671314  India.

Tel: + 91 (0) 467-2287510; -2288876; -2288877; -2288878


Dear Guest,

If I can assist you in any way regarding your stay with us, 
please contact me before your arrival. 

Jayan  KV

General Manager


Chapri Resorts & Hotels Pvt., Ltd.

“A perfect distillation of what so many Westerners from E. M. Forster and Allen Ginsberg to the Beatels, have come to India in an attempt to find: an escape from the pressures and frenzied pace of life"
Harpers's Bazaar